The Call for Presentations for the 2024 ZRA Annual Conference is closed!!
Thank you for all of those that submitted a proposal and will be delighting us with your presentations in Kansas City!  


Presentations will be accepted in five primary categories – Record Keeping; Wildlife Permits and Legislation; Animal Transport; Records and Collection Management; and Conservation.

Please consider sharing your experience in one or more of these core areas! Remember that your experiences can help your colleagues to be more efficient and effective in their jobs, so don’t hold back!

Acceptance of presentations will close on Friday, 1 June 2024, 5:00pm (CT). 

Please contact the 2024 Annual Conference Program Chairman, Sheri Bradley at or 713-533-6627. 


Presentation Information

Which session category would the proposal best appeal to?

If you indicated a submission for an individual presentation or panel discussion, would you consider presenting a Poster Presentation if the other format is not selected?

In the space above, provide a Session Abstract or Summary. Please include key points, relevancy to current ZRA issues, connections with other institutions or organizations. There is a maximum of 700 words.

Once you have completed the form, please click "Submit" for your proposal to be submitted.

You will receive a Speaker Acceptance Letter if your presentation is accepted. You will also receive a letter if we are unable to include your presentation in this year's Annual Conference Program.