ZRA News
Proposed Amendments to Bylaws and COPE
June 04, 2012 Dear ZRA Members:In preparation for the 2012 Annual Business Meeting, this reminder is for all ZRA leadership and members that any proposed amendments to the Bylaws or Code of Professional Ethics (COPE), must be submitted to the Vice-Chairman of the Bylaws Committee or Chairman of the Ethics Committee no less than sixty (60) days prior. This year’s Annual Business Meeting will be held on Saturday, 6 October 2012; therefore, all proposed amendments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Tuesday, 7 August 2012. After this date, no further amendments will be accepted. The committees must have time to review all proposals and prepare the final Notice for the Annual Business Meeting.
The Bylaws and COPE Amendment forms are located on the ZRA Website under Governance. You must log-in to get the form.
If you have any questions, please contact the following:
Anne Fletcher-Jones, Vice-Chairman, Bylaws Committee at: afletcherjones@livingdesert.org or call at (760)-346-5694 x2200
Pam Pritchard, Chairman, Ethics Committee at:
pamp@calgaryzoo.ab.ca or call at (403) 232-9338
Anne Fletcher-Jones Pam Pritchard
Vice-Chairman, ZRA Bylaws Committee Chairman, ZRA Ethics Committee
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