ZRA News
Call for help!
November 29, 2017 This is a reminder that ZRA Professional Development, Standards Development and Training Committees need your help in developing and/or reviewing the modules that will comprise the online Training Certificate Program for Zoological Registrars.If you are interested in helping, please take the survey using to the following link, https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MPP9867, so we can get a list together of all of our experts!
The deadline for completing the survey is 8 December 2017.
The ZRA Training Certificate Program for Zoological Registrars incorporates the collective experience and knowledge represented by the Association’s 190 members. It provides the opportunity for many different learners to achieve knowledge in best practices for this important role in zoological institutions. The ZRA Training Certificate Program is relevant for new registrars, assistant registrars, records keepers, curators or keepers who have registrar duties; it is also relevant for small facilities where one position has multiple roles. We need volunteers with many different kinds of expertise. Not only do we need subject matter experts but we also need those with skills in creating presentations (specifically those that are proficient in using PowerPoint), working with multimedia equipment and those that have an education background. New registrars are also encouraged to volunteer because your insight as to what is important for a new registrar to know is invaluable. This is your opportunity to be a part of building ZRA’s new training program. You don’t need to be a member of any of the committees listed above to work on this project but we would be glad to have you join one of the committees if you are interested.
We have identified six core training modules that we will be offering:
- Module 1: History and Established Tenets of Animal Records
Summary - This module focuses on the purpose for and essentials of various animal records, including their creation and management. Best practices are emphasized by highlighting the use of established tenets. Content focuses on the following three areas: 1) History of Records at Zoological Institutions, 2) Essentials of an Animal Record, 3) Keeper Daily Reports.
Module 2: Records and Information Management (RIM)
Summary – This module provides for a fundamental understanding of records management principles, concepts and best practices, and the skills and competencies required to manage all types of records throughout the information life cycle. The Life Cycle Concept covers the core competencies of RIM: records creation and use; records systems, storage, conversion and retrieval; records appraisal, retention, protection and disposition; technology; and managing people and the records management program.
- Module 3: Biological Samples and Biofacts
Summary – This module defines categories of biological materials including, living and non - living tissues and biofacts. Records essentials, documentation, and types of agreements for various biological materials are also covered in detail.
- Module 4: United States Federal Wildlife Permits and Regulations
Summary – This module discusses the various U.S. federal agencies and regulations that apply to wildlife in human care. Information is provided on permits authorizing regulated activities, the application process and annual reporting requirements. A detailed list of useful contacts and resources are included.
- Module 5: Transactions
Summary – This module describes the various types of live animal transactions and provides detailed examples of workflow, documentation, and standards for recording events.
- Module 6: Animal Shipping: Domestic and International
Summary – This module discusses the options available to ship live animals including containers, container requirements, methods of transport and relevant Federal regulations and documentation requirements. Key considerations for transport planning and coordination with institutional staff and external agencies are also reviewed.
Thanks in advance for your help!ZRA Professional Development, Standards Development and Training Committees
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