ZRA News
Newsletters and Articles Needed!
March 01, 2021The ZRA Newsletter Committee is looking for articles, announcements, photos, and suggestions for the Association newsletter, ‘For the Record’!
Items can include, but are not limited to:
- Covid: How is your zoo doing?
- Photos: Births/hatches, new species to your collection, memorials
- Suggestions for the Member Spotlight
- Tips & Tricks for ZIMS, Tracks, or any registrar tasks
- News about conservation projects, exhibit openings, events or happenings at your institution etc.
- Reports from conferences or classes you’ve attended
- Funny typos from daily reports and/or funny or clever names (eg: a chicken names Cluck Norris)
- Historical hoots--things that are “odd” when coming across old transactions, records, etc. (IE: offer to sell imaginary creatures--it has happened)
- Job announcements*
- Upcoming event announcements*
Anything else you’d like to suggest
The deadline for submissions for the next issue is Monday, March 22, 2021.
Send your submissions, suggestions, or questions to our team:
Chair: Deanna Snell, deannas@calgaryzoo.com
Vice-Chair: Ashley Traina, registrar@redriverzoo.org
Anna Pelc, apelc@potawatomizoo.org
Kris Willis, kris.willis@lacity.org
Karen Jarvis, karen.jarvis@nczoo.org
Lisa Fitzgerald, lisa.fitzgerald@dallaszoo.com
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