ZRA News
RIM Program Documents
October 02, 2015 The ZRA Board of Directors would like to announce the development and approval of its Records and Information Management (RIM) Program. The RIM Program includes the following core policies:ZRA RIM Policy
ZRA Naming Convention for Electronic Records
ZRA Records Retention Schedule
ZRA Records Retention Policy
ZRA Records Hold Policy
ZRA Authorization for Destruction Form
ZRA Certificate of Destruction Form
ZRA Records Inventory Form
ZRA Records Transfer Form
The RIM Program ensures that ZRA leadership is able to manage records and information generated through the normal course of association business in a way that protects the rights of its stakeholders while at the same time reducing risks for audit and litigation and ensuring it is fiscally responsible.
The RIM Program documents are available to members on the Member’s Only side of the ZRA website under Governance. The ZRA Secretary has oversight for Association’s RIM program. Please contact the ZRA Secretary for any questions related to the new policies and related compliance.
Rae Lynn Haliday, CRM
ZRA Secretary
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