2017 Notice of New Business – Special Meeting

February 06, 2017 Dear ZRA Members,

This communication serves as the official thirty (30) day prior written Notice of new business to be presented at the Special Meeting on Wednesday, 8 March 2017 from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. eastern. Details on how to log in to the special meeting will be forwarded to the membership from the ZRA Board of Directors.

Three new Bylaws amendments were submitted prior to the 2016 ZRA Annual Business Meeting, along with the one amendment held-over from 2015. The amendment held- over from 2015 has been withdrawn by the original submitters and will not be up for discussion or voting. The three amendments submitted in 2016 will be presented for debate and voting.

The Bylaws Committee is also presenting to the membership for debate and voting, Phase I of the Bylaws Revision project. The Committee has identified the following areas needing immediate attention in order to help the association function and increase flexibility: Article V, Sections 2A, 4 and 5; Article X; and Article XII.

The Detailed Business Plan for the proposed Zoological Registrar Training Certificate Program will also be presented for debate and voting.

The documents in their entirety, which includes the justification or reason for the amendments and revisions, and the Business Plan and its supporting documents, are posted on the website under Governance, Documents for Annual Business Meeting. You must first be logged in as a member to view these documents. The Bylaws Committee and Professional Development Committee strongly suggests the membership view these online documents prior to the Special Meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Mattox
Chairman, Bylaws Committee
Registrar, Disney’s Animals, Science & Environment

Respectfully submitted,

Rae Lynn Haliday, CRM
Chairman, Professional Development Committee
Registrar, Saint Louis Zoo

Bylaws Amendments
The following bylaws amendments have been submitted by the ZRA membership and will be presented for debate and voting:

Article IV, Section 2, (#D) on Page 3

Proposed amendment:

To amend Article IV, Section 2 (#D) by inserting “verified” after “…the names of the” and before “candidates to…”; “electronically or” after “A vote shall be done” and before “by mail and…”; and “by” after “…shall be distributed” and before “and returned to…”.

Current wording:
Registrar Emeritus. The designation of Registrar Emeritus denotes a position of honor obtained after retiring. Candidates may be proposed by any Professional category member to the Membership Services Committee for verification of qualifications.

The Membership Services Committee shall present the names of the candidates to the Professional category members for a vote. The vote shall be done by mail and the ballots shall be distributed and returned to the Membership Services Committee. A candidate who receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote, with at least one-third (1/3) of Professional category members casting votes, shall become Registrar Emeritus. Once voted in, the member remains a Registrar Emeritus for life and pays no dues. Registrar Emeritus members may serve on committees and may serve in a leadership role in a committee. Registrar Emeritus members may neither hold office nor vote on any business other than that of committees of which they are members.

Proposed wording:
Registrar Emeritus. The designation of Registrar Emeritus denotes a position of honor obtained after retiring. Candidates may be proposed by any Professional category member to the Membership Services Committee for verification of qualifications.

The Membership Services Committee shall present the names of the verified candidates to the Professional category members for a vote. The vote shall be done electronically or by mail and the ballots shall be distributed by and returned to the Membership Services Committee. A candidate who receives a two-thirds (2/3) vote, with at least one-third (1/3) of Professional category members casting votes, shall become Registrar Emeritus. Once voted in, the member remains a Registrar Emeritus for life and pays no dues. Registrar Emeritus members may serve on committees and may serve in a leadership role in a committee. Registrar Emeritus members may neither hold office nor vote on any business other than that of committees of which they are members.

Article VIII, Section 1 on Page 9

Proposed amendment:
To amend Article VIII, Section 1 by adding at the end “If any vacancies exist, the entire Board of Directors shall consist of all officers currently serving.”

Current wording:
Section 1. Board Composition. The President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors.

Proposed wording:
Section 1. Board Composition. The President, the Vice-President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and three Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors. If any vacancies
exist, the entire Board of Directors shall consist of all officers currently serving.

Article VIII, Section 3 on Page 9
Proposed amendment:
To amend Article VIII, Section 3 by striking out “Four (4)” and inserting “Sixty (60) percent of the” and “entire” in front of Board of Directors.

Current wording:
Section 3. Quorum. Four (4) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. All actions of the Board of Directors shall be subject to the orders of the
Professional category members and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Professional category members.

Proposed wording:
Section 3. Quorum. Sixty (60) percent of the members of the entire Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. All actions of the Board of Directors shall be subject to the orders of the Professional category members and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the Professional category members.

Bylaws Revision
The following bylaws revision has been submitted by the ZRA Bylaws Committee and will be presented for debate and voting:

Article V, Section 2A on page 5

Current wording:

A. Nominations for office shall be made by any Professional category member, in writing, to the Chairman of the Nominations and Elections Committee and post- marked no later than sixty (60) days prior to the annual business meeting. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall select candidates based on the criteria outlined in the Standing Rules and shall select no more than three candidates for each position.

Proposed wording:

A. Nominations for office shall be made by any Professional category member, electronically or in writing, to the Chairman of the Nominations and Elections Committee no later than sixty (60) days prior to the annual business meeting. The Board may extend the nominations period at the recommendation of the Nominations and Elections Committee, should the need warrant. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall select candidates based on the criteria outlined in the Standing Rules and shall select no more than three candidates for each position.

Committee justification:

The way this section is currently worded is inaccurate to how the association is currently operating (nominations submitted by post). The ZRA website currently fuctions as an electronic notice to the Nominations & Elections Committee. The Bylaws Committee also recognizes that there is, on occasion, an operational need for the extension of the nomination period.

Article V, Section 4 on page 6

Current wording:

Section 4. Terms of Office. All Officers shall assume their offices at the close of the annual business meeting at which they are elected.

A. The President shall serve for two years. A member is ineligible to serve as President again until after five years from the close of the annual business meeting marking the completion of his term.

B. The Vice-President shall serve for two years and then become President.

C. Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected.

D. The Directors shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected.

E. A member may serve three terms on the Board of Directors, either consecutively or non-consecutively, as an Officer or a Director. After such time a member is ineligible to run for office again for a total of five years
from the close of the annual business meeting marking the completion of his third term.

Once a five-year waiting period has been met, a member may begin the service cycle again and serve another three terms either consecutively or non-consecutively.

Proposed wording:

Section 4. Terms of Office. All Officers shall assume their offices at the close of the annual business meeting at which they are elected.

A. The President shall serve for two years. A member is ineligible to serve as President again until after four years from the close of the annual business meeting marking the completion of his term.

B. The Vice-President shall serve for two years and then become President.

C. Secretary and Treasurer shall serve for two years.

D. The Directors shall serve for two years.

E. Except as listed in Section 5, a member may serve three terms on the Board of Directors, either consecutively or non-consecutively. After such time a member is ineligible to run for office again for a total of four years from the close of the annual business meeting marking the completion of his third term.

Once a four-year waiting period has been met, a member may begin the service cycle again and serve another three terms either consecutively or non-consecutively.

Committee justification:

The waiting period has been lowered from five (5) years to four (4) years in order to allow those members who wish to serve the organization the ability to do so. The wording has also been adjusted slightly due to confusion regarding the time-frame of certain positions.

Article V, Section 5 on page 7
Current wording:

Section 5. Vacancies.

A. If the Presidency becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the office. If less than twelve (12) months remain in the President’s term at the time of the vacancy, the Vice-President shall serve that period and then assume a full two-year term as President. If more than twelve (12) months remain in the President’s term at the time of the vacancy, the Vice- President shall serve the remainder of the term, which shall be considered a full two-year term.

B. If less than twelve (12) months remain in the Vice- President’s term at the time of succession to the Presidency, the Board of Directors shall appoint a previous President, Officer or Director to serve as Vice-President for the remaining term. (See Article VIII, Section 4.) If more than twelve (12) months remain in the Vice-President’s term at the time of vacancy, the Board of Directors shall appoint a previous President, Officer or Director to serve as Vice-President for the remainder of the first year of the term, and shall schedule an election for Vice-President for the second year of the term.

C. If an Officer (other than President or Vice-President) or a Director position becomes vacant, with less than 6 months remaining in the term, the remaining Board of Directors shall fill the position by appointment until the next scheduled election. (See Article VIII, Section 4.) If an Officer (other than President) or Director position becomes vacant with more than 6 months remaining in the term, a special election shall be held to fill the remaining term of the vacancy. The election process shall begin within fifteen (15) days of the commencement of the vacancy.

Proposed wording:

Section 5. Vacancies.

A. Members filling vacancies must meet all qualifications that would be necessary for election by the membership. Appointees and special electees shall serve for the remainder of the vacant officer’s term but may then stand as candidates for regular terms. The Board of Directors may select a previous officer as an appointee.

B. If the Presidency becomes vacant, the Vice-President shall assume the office. If less than twelve (12) months remain in the President’s term at the time of the vacancy, the Vice-President shall serve that period and then assume a full two-year term as President. If more than twelve (12) months remain in the President’s term at the time of the vacancy, the Vice- President shall serve the remainder of the term, which shall be considered a full two-year term. In the event the Vice-President position is vacant at the same time as the Presidency, the remaining Board of Directors shall fill the Presidency by appointment or by special election as determined by the Board of Directors.

C. If less than twelve (12) months remain in the Vice-President’s term at the time of vacancy, the Board of Directors shall fill the position by appointment for the remaining term. If more than twelve (12) months remain in the Vice-President’s term at the time of vacancy, the Board of Directors shall fill the position by appointment for the remainder of the first year of the term, and shall schedule a special election for Vice-President for the second year of the term.

D. If an Officer (other than President or Vice-President) or a Director position becomes vacant, the remaining entire Board of Directors shall fill the position by appointment or by special election as determined by the Board of Directors.

Committee justification:

While it is the Bylaws Committee’s hope that more ZRA members will become involved in leadership to fill vacant positions, we feel these changes will better serve the organization and allow the Board to be more flexible if they encounter unexpected vacancies.

Article X on page 13
Current wording:

Parliamentary Authority. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern ZRA in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that it may adopt.

Proposed wording:

Parliamentary Authority. The Board of Directors shall be the final authority in interpretations of the bylaws and standing rules of ZRA. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern ZRA in all cases not provided for in law or in its bylaws or standing rules.

Committee justification:

This revision gives the Board the authority to interpret the bylaws and standing rules for operational needs. It also allows for detailed procedures to be captured in the standing rules rather than the bylaws so that the organization can be more flexible for future needs.

Article XII on page 13

Current wording:

Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership at the annual business meeting. Any proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Bylaws Committee in writing sixty (60) days prior to the annual business meeting. Notice of final proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be sent to all Professional category members electronically or by US Postal service thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting.

Proposed wording:

Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting membership. Any proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Chairman of the Bylaws Committee in writing. Notice of final proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be sent to all members thirty (30) days prior to the voting period. Discussion shall occur during this thirty (30) day period in accordance with the Bylaws Committee Standing Rules. Voting shall then be opened and conducted for a period of time as determined by the Board of Directors.

Committee justification:

Removing voting from the Annual Business Meeting allows the organization to conduct other business during this time. This also allows all voting members to have their voice heard with regards to the way the organization operates.

Previous Entries

July 09, 2024 For the Record Issue 3 July/September 2024
April 12, 2024 ZRA Training Committee Workshop
April 04, 2024 For the Record Issue 2
January 11, 2024 For the Record 2024 Issue 1
January 02, 2024 Membership Renewal Reminder!!
October 20, 2023 For the Record, Issue #4 Oct-Dec 2023
September 15, 2023 2023 ZRA Annual Conference- Business Meeting Agenda
August 28, 2023 ZRA Newsletter Submissions Needed!!
August 10, 2023 2023 Call for Nominations for Awards and Recognition
June 29, 2023 For The Record Issue 3 July-September 2023
March 21, 2023 For The Record Issue 2 April/June 2023
February 13, 2023 Newsletter Items Needed!!
December 22, 2022 For The Record Jan/March 2023
November 18, 2022 Voting Results for Proposed Website Overhaul
October 11, 2022 2022 ZRA Salary Survey
September 30, 2022 Agenda for Z-CAP 2022
September 22, 2022 For the Record October/December 2022
September 09, 2022 Annual Business Meeting Agenda
August 24, 2022 Hootboard is live!
August 05, 2022 Appeal for comments from USFWS
July 19, 2022 For The Record July/October 2022
May 13, 2022 Minutes from the 2021 Z-CAP meeting
April 06, 2022 For the Record Issue 2 April-June 2022
November 01, 2021 The 2022 Membership Renewal Period is now open! 
October 08, 2021 For the Record Issue 4 Oct 2021
April 15, 2021 2021 Call for Nominations: ZRA Board of Directors (BOD)
March 01, 2021 Newsletters and Articles Needed!
November 10, 2020 2021 Membership Renewal
October 02, 2020 For the Record Issue 4 October 2020
July 08, 2020 For The Record Issue 3 July/September 2020
May 15, 2020 Newsletter Articles and Photos Needed
May 07, 2020 ZRA Membership During a Leave of Absence
April 26, 2020 ZRA Budget for 2020
April 21, 2020 For the Record Issue 2 April/June 2020
March 23, 2020 Bylaws Amendment Voting Results
March 20, 2020 Newsletter Articles & Photos Needed!
December 19, 2019 ZRA Committees for 2020!
December 03, 2019 Membership Renewal Reminder
November 25, 2019 2019 Budget Approved
November 05, 2019 The 2020 Membership Renewal Period is now open! 
September 30, 2019 For The Record 2019 Issue 4
September 20, 2019 2019 Call for Committee Volunteers
September 11, 2019 ZRA Workshop Opportunity
September 04, 2019 Registration Reminder -closing 9 September
August 08, 2019 Departure and Arrival for the 2019 ZRA Conference
July 24, 2019 2019 ZRA Budget
July 08, 2019 2019 ZRA Annual Conference DRAFT Program
July 03, 2019 2019 ZRA Conference Trips and Registration Information
July 01, 2019 Voting results for ZRA Board of Directors 2019
June 18, 2019 Strategic Committee needs your INPUT!
June 18, 2019 ICRM Now Offers 4 Academic Partners
June 07, 2019 2019 ZRA Committee Action Planning (Z-CAP)
May 30, 2019 Extended Deadline - 2019 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
May 26, 2019 Newsletter Articles & Photos Needed!
May 12, 2019 Approved Budget 2019
May 08, 2019 2019 ZRA Hosted ICRM Exam Prep Workshop
April 12, 2019 2019 ZRA Conference Trips and Registration Information
April 08, 2019 Call for Nominations: 2019 ZRA Board of Directors (BOD)
April 03, 2019 2019 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations!
April 01, 2019 Registration Open for the 2019 ZRA Conference!
November 29, 2018 Newsletter Articles & Photos Needed!
November 04, 2018 Call for Committees
October 23, 2018 2018-2019 ZRA Board of Directors
October 22, 2018 Certificate Training Program
October 05, 2018 2019 Institutional Records Keeping Scholarship and Application
September 10, 2018 Announcement-New Partnership for ICRM
September 04, 2018 2018 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder!
September 04, 2018 2018 ZRA Hosted ICRM Exam Prep Workshop
August 24, 2018 Arrival and Departure Schedule for the 2018 ZRA Annual Conference
August 01, 2018 ZRA announces the deployment of its online Training Certificate Program and strategic partnership with San Diego Zoo Global Academy
July 20, 2018 ARMA International Educational Foundation (AIEF) Opens 2018 Scholarships and Reimbursement Grants
July 11, 2018 The ZRA Newsletter Steering Committee is looking for articles, announcements, photos, and suggestions for the Association newsletter, ‘For the Record’!
June 06, 2018 2018 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
May 02, 2018 Second Call for Nominations for ZRA Board of Directors 2018
May 01, 2018 2018 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations!
May 01, 2018 Registration for the 2018 ZRA Annual Conference is now open!
April 11, 2018 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors
April 05, 2018 ZRA Newsletter request
April 03, 2018 Updated ZRA website
February 27, 2018 ZRA Marketing and PR Committee CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS
February 23, 2018 AZA Community Network: Replacement for the ZRA listserve
February 13, 2018 ZRA Listserve
January 29, 2018 2018 ZRA Newsletter Issue 1 Posted to Website
January 18, 2018 General Reminder - Membership
December 19, 2017 2017 Annual Conference Survey
December 05, 2017 Newsletter Request
November 29, 2017 Call for help!
November 16, 2017 Call for Volunteers
November 02, 2017 2017 ZRA Newsletter Issue 3 Posted to Website
November 01, 2017 ZRA 2018 Membership Renewal
October 23, 2017 ZRA financial review call for volunteers
October 18, 2017 Voting results on proposed by-law revisions for fall 2017 business meeting - Summary
October 05, 2017 2018 Notice to Members: IRK Scholarship
September 21, 2017 Voting results for ZRA Board of Directors 2017-2018
September 18, 2017 Reminder for new online discussion process
September 18, 2017 Election opens for ZRA Board of Directors 2017-2018
September 14, 2017 Request for ZRA Newsletter Items
September 12, 2017 2017 Call for Committee Volunteers
September 08, 2017 2017 Z-CAP agenda
September 05, 2017 ZRA conference arrival and departure request
September 01, 2017 Board of Directors Vacancy Announcement
September 01, 2017 Board of Directors Vacancy Call for Nominations 2017-2018
September 01, 2017 ZRA 30 day notification of new business 2017
August 29, 2017 2017 Notice of New Business – Annual Business Meeting
August 28, 2017 ZRA Assistant Registrar Job Description posted
August 24, 2017 2017 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
August 16, 2017 2017 ZRA Arrival and Departure Request
August 10, 2017 ICRM Certification Scholarship Guidelines and Application
August 04, 2017 ZRA 2017 Annual Conference Registration Reminder
August 04, 2017 Training Certificate Instructor Recruitment Application
August 02, 2017 Website task force
August 02, 2017 2017 ZRA Newsletter Issue 2 Posted to Website
July 28, 2017 Training Certificate Program for Zoological Registrars
July 07, 2017 10th Annual Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) Exam Prep Workshop
June 30, 2017 Voting results for ZRA Board of Directors 2017-2019
June 23, 2017 Newsletter Articles & Photos Needed!
June 15, 2017 Professional Development Opportunity Announcements
June 02, 2017 2017 Call for Presentations Extension
June 01, 2017 Election opens for ZRA Board of Directors 2017-2019
May 11, 2017 Newsletter Articles & Photos Needed!
May 10, 2017 Annual Conference Call for Presentations - Reminder
May 09, 2017 2017 ZRA Newsletter Issue 1 Posted to Website
April 26, 2017 2017 ZRA Budget
April 20, 2017 Second Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2017-2019
April 20, 2017 Registrar Job Postings
April 19, 2017 Registrar position at Tampa's Lowry Park
April 18, 2017 ZRA Committee Action Planning at the Annual Conference
April 13, 2017 Assistant Registrar job description
April 10, 2017 2017 ZRA Annual Conference registration is now open!
April 10, 2017 2017 Call for Presentations
April 07, 2017 Succession Plans now posted!
April 07, 2017 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2017-2019
March 29, 2017 Assistant Registrar job description
March 21, 2017 2017 ZRA Special Business Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2017 ZRA Annual Conference Facebook page
March 16, 2017 2017 ZRA Amended Bylaws
March 07, 2017 2017 ZRA Special Meeting – One last reminder!
March 01, 2017 Articles & Photos Needed ‘For the Record’!
February 10, 2017 ZRA Mentor Program—Mentor Application Form
February 06, 2017 2017 Notice of New Business – Special Meeting
February 01, 2017 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
January 18, 2017 LSU School of Library & Information Science and ICRM Announce Partnership
January 09, 2017 2016 ZRA Annual Business Meeting Minutes
January 09, 2017 2016 ZRA Newsletter Issue 3 Posted to Website
January 03, 2017 2017 ZRA Special Meeting – Save the Date!
January 03, 2017 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
December 05, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Survey
December 01, 2016 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
November 28, 2016 2016 Leadership Development Workshop - Notes
November 02, 2016 Call for committee volunteers
November 01, 2016 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
November 01, 2016 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
October 06, 2016 2016 ZRA Arrival and Departure Schedule
October 05, 2016 Proposed Zoological Registrar Training Program
September 29, 2016 2016 ZRA Arrival and Departure Schedule
September 28, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
September 27, 2016 2016 ZRA Election Results
September 15, 2016 2016 ZRA Arrival and Departure Schedule
September 15, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
September 15, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
September 15, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
September 14, 2016 2017 IRK Scholarship Application Notice
September 13, 2016 2016 Notice of New Business
September 09, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Reminder – register & pay now to avoid late fees!
September 07, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
September 06, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Leadership Development Program
September 01, 2016 2016 ZRA Director Voting Now Open
August 25, 2016 2016 ZRA Conference - Hotel Full Notice
August 22, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
August 12, 2016 2016 Call for Nominations for Awards and Recognition
August 11, 2016 Tracks Animal Management Software Workshop
August 11, 2016 ZIMS Animal Management Software Workshop
August 10, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference registration reminder
August 02, 2016 2016 Annual Conference Program DRAFT
August 01, 2016 A Second Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2016-2018
July 26, 2016 ZRA Newsletter 2016 Issue 2 Posted to Website
July 22, 2016 2016 Strategic Planning Survey Announcement
July 15, 2016 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
June 20, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference registration reminder
June 20, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
June 11, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
June 01, 2016 2016 ZRA Director Voting Now Open
May 20, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
May 20, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference registration reminder
April 20, 2016 2016 ZRA Newsletter Issue 1 Posted to Website
April 20, 2016 Bylaws amendment form and notice
April 18, 2016 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2016-2018
April 18, 2016 Registration for the 2016 ZRA Annual Conference is now open!
April 18, 2016 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations!
April 15, 2016 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2016-2018
March 01, 2016 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
February 02, 2016 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
January 05, 2016 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
December 07, 2015 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
November 17, 2015 2015 Annual Conference Survey
November 05, 2015 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
November 03, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Business Meeting Minutes
October 26, 2015 IRK Scholarship
October 23, 2015 Call for committee volunteers
October 02, 2015 Call for Newsletter Articles / Summer 2015 For The Record
October 02, 2015 RIM Program Documents
September 11, 2015 2015 Annual Conference Seattle Travel Information
September 10, 2015 2015 Annual Conference Presentation Abstracts
September 08, 2015 Call for Ethics Committee members
September 04, 2015 Notice of new business to be presented at the 2015 ZRA Annual Business Meeting
September 01, 2015 Arrival-Departure Schedule Request
August 18, 2015 2015 Call for Nominations for Awards and Recognition
August 17, 2015 2015 Annual Conference Registration Reminder Notice
August 03, 2015 2015 Annual Conference Registration Reminder Notice
July 31, 2015 2015 ZRA Election Results
July 20, 2015 Certified Records Manager (CRM) Examination Preparation Workshop
July 10, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference DRAFT Program
July 03, 2015 Tracks Animal Management Software Workshop
July 03, 2015 ZIMS Workshop
June 30, 2015 2015 Annual Conference Registration Reminder
June 29, 2015 2015 ZRA Officers and Directors Voting Now Open
June 11, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
June 05, 2015 For the Record - Call for Newsletter Articles
May 29, 2015 2016 ZRA Annual Conference Host Announcement
May 21, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Post-Conference Trip
May 21, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Pre-Conference Tour
May 21, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference ZIMS Workshop
May 21, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Tracks Workshop
May 18, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations Reminder
May 15, 2015 Extension of Nominations Period ZRA 2015-2017 Board of Directors Election
May 04, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
May 04, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
April 15, 2015 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2015-2017
April 01, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Open
April 01, 2015 2015 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
March 01, 2015 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
January 13, 2015 2015 Bylaws and COPE Amendment Forms
January 01, 2015 2015 Membership Renewal Reminder
December 12, 2014 ZRA 2014 Annual Business Meeting Minutes
December 08, 2014 ZRA Board of Directors 2014-2016 Special Election Results
December 01, 2014 2015 Membership Renewal Reminder
November 01, 2014 2015 Membership Renewal Period Open
October 30, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Business Meeting Minutes
October 30, 2014 2015 ZRA IRK Scholarship Application Announcement
October 24, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Survey
October 16, 2014 Special Election for Director for ZRA Board of Directors 2014-2016
September 18, 2014 2014 ZRA Call for Volunteers for Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
September 18, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Arrival and Departure Information
September 03, 2014 2014 Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Proposed Bylaw Amendments
August 29, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Leadership Development Program
August 29, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Silent Auction Notice
August 27, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
August 25, 2014 Call for Newsletter Articles - Fall 2014
August 08, 2014 2014 ZRA Certified Records Manager Examination Preparation Workshop
August 08, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Pre-Conference Tour
August 08, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference ZIMS Workshop
August 08, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Tracks Animal Management Software Workshop
August 08, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Post-Conference Tour
August 06, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
July 24, 2014 2014 ZRA Bylaws and COPE Amendment Announcement Revision
July 14, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Draft Program
July 08, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
July 07, 2014 2014 ZRA Bylaws and COPE Amendment Announcement
June 30, 2014 2014 ZRA Call for Nominations for Rewards and Recognition
June 26, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Pre-Conference Tour
June 26, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Post-Conference Tour
June 01, 2014 2014 ZRA Elections Announcement
May 30, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
May 30, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference ZIMS Workshop
May 30, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Tracks Animal Management Software Workshop
May 22, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations Reminder
May 01, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations Reminder
May 01, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
April 16, 2014 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2014-2016
April 02, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
April 02, 2014 2014 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Now Open
March 11, 2014 ZRA Listserv - Statement of Clarification
March 07, 2014 Call for Newsletter Articles - Winter 2014
March 01, 2014 2014 ZRA FINAL Membership Renewal Reminder
February 01, 2014 2014 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
January 01, 2014 2014 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
December 01, 2013 2014 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
November 19, 2013 2014 ZRA IRK Scholarship Winner
November 01, 2013 2014 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
October 31, 2013 2014 ZRA IRK Scholarship
October 22, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Business Meeting Minutes
October 09, 2013 2013 Annual Conference Survey
September 11, 2013 2013 Annual Conference Programs and Agendas
September 04, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Arrival and Departure Schedule
August 27, 2013 2013 Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Proposed Bylaw Amendment
August 26, 2013 2014 ZRA Conference Announcement
August 01, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Reminder
July 25, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Update
July 08, 2013 Call for Newsletter Submissions for Summer Edition of For The Record
July 01, 2013 2013 ZRA Election Results
July 01, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Draft Program
June 28, 2013 Call for Volunteers for Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
June 24, 2013 2013 ZRA Bylaws and COPE Amendment Notice
June 10, 2013 2013 ZRA Election Voting Reminder
June 04, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Reminder
June 04, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations Update.
June 01, 2013 Voting open for 2013 slate of Officers and Directors
May 01, 2013 Reminder 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
May 01, 2013 Reminder 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Registration
April 01, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Registration Now Open
April 01, 2013 2013 ZRA Annual Conference Call for Presentations
April 01, 2013 ZRA Board of Directors 2013-2015 Call for Nominations
March 19, 2013 Registrar Job Description
March 01, 2013 2013 Membership Renewal Reminder
January 02, 2013 2013 Membership Renewal Reminder
December 01, 2012 2013 Membership Renewal Reminder
November 27, 2012 ZRA 2013 IRK Scholarship Recipient
November 21, 2012 2012 Call for Volunteers
November 06, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Business Meeting Minutes and Appointment Announcements
November 01, 2012 2013 Membership Renewal
October 24, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Survey Update
October 22, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Survey
October 17, 2012 ZRA 2012 Institutional Records Keeping (IRK) Course Scholarship
September 27, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Arrival and Departure Schedule
September 25, 2012 Member Survey for Strategic Plan
September 18, 2012 ZRA 2012 Conference Update
September 14, 2012 Call for Newsletter Submissions Fall 2012 issue
September 06, 2012 2012 Notice of Annual Business Meeting and Proposed Bylaw Amendments
August 01, 2012 Annual Conference Programs, Promotional Materials and Registration Reminder
July 09, 2012 2012 Call for Nominations for Awards and Recognition
July 02, 2012 2012 Annual Call for Volunteers for Committee Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen
July 01, 2012 2012 Election Results
June 21, 2012 Call for Newsletter Submissions Summer Edition of For The Record
June 04, 2012 Proposed Amendments to Bylaws and COPE
May 28, 2012 Voting for 2012 slate of Officers and Directors
May 25, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Update
April 13, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Update
April 07, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Update - Host Absence
April 01, 2012 Call for Nominations ZRA Board Of Directors 2012-2014
March 29, 2012 Newsletter Posted and Call for Newsletter Articles and Information
March 15, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Registration
March 15, 2012 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference Call for Presentations
February 06, 2012 CRM Certification Scholarship Awarded
February 01, 2012 February 1 Membership Renewal Reminder
January 01, 2012 Membership Renewal Reminder
December 15, 2011 Minutes of 2011 ZRA Annual Business Meeting
December 13, 2011 2012 IRK Scholarship Winner
December 01, 2011 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
November 21, 2011 2012 ZRA Training Scholarship
November 01, 2011 ZRA Membership Renewal Notice
October 26, 2011 2011 Annual Conference Survey Reminder
October 17, 2011 2011 Annual Conference Survey
September 30, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Attendee Arrivals and Departures UPDATE
September 27, 2011 2011 Summary and Justification of Proposed Bylaw Amendments
September 23, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Welcome
September 23, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Attendee Arrivals and Departures UPDATE
September 08, 2011 ZRA 2011 Notice of Annual Business Meeting
September 02, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Arrival and Departure Schedule
September 02, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Registration Deadline
August 31, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Attendee Arrivals and Departures
August 26, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Registration Deadline
August 23, 2011 ZRA 2012 Annual Conference
August 19, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Registration Deadline
August 12, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Registration Deadline
August 08, 2011 ZRA 2011 Leadership Development Program
August 01, 2011 ZRA Announcement for Volunteers for Committee Chairmen and Vice Chairmen
July 15, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference DRAFT Program
July 12, 2011 2011 Call for Award Nominations
July 08, 2011 2011 Bylaws and COPE Amendment Notice
July 01, 2011 ZRA 2011 Election Results
June 13, 2011 For the Record Winter 2011 Edition
June 13, 2011 Call for Newsletter Articles and Information
May 31, 2011 ZRA Board of Directors 2011-2013 Elections
May 19, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Call for Presentations
May 11, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Registration Deadline
April 26, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Call for Presentations
April 15, 2011 ZRA Board of Directors 2011-2013 Call for Nominations
April 01, 2011 Registration for 2011 Annual Conference Now Open
March 16, 2011 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Call for Presentations
February 03, 2011 2010 Salary Survey Final Report
February 01, 2011 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
January 28, 2011 For the Record
January 26, 2011 ZRA Professional Development Committee Request
January 06, 2011 ZRA IRK Scholarship Announcement
January 01, 2011 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
December 01, 2010 ZRA Membership Renewal Reminder
November 03, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Business Meeting Minutes
November 02, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings
November 01, 2010 ZRA 2011 Membership Renewal
October 28, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Feedback Survey
October 20, 2010 ZRA Call for Committee Leadership Volunteers
October 20, 2010 Call for Newsletter Submissions Fall Edition of For The Record
October 18, 2010 2011 ZRA IRK Scholarship Availability
October 18, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Feedback Survey
September 24, 2010 ZRA 2011 Annual Conference Announcement
September 24, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Update
September 17, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Programs
September 08, 2010 For the Record September 2010
September 07, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Attendee Arrival and Departure Information
September 02, 2010 Notice of 2010 ZRA Annual Business Meeting
August 09, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Registration Information
August 02, 2010 Call for Nominations for Awards
July 30, 2010 ZRA 2010 Election Results
July 28, 2010 ZRA Registrar Job Description Request
July 28, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Registration Reminder
July 26, 2010 Deadline for Proposed Amendments for Bylaws or Code of Professional Ethics
July 16, 2010 Last day to take the 2010 Salary Survey!
July 09, 2010 2010 Salary Survey Reminder
July 06, 2010 ZRA Salary Survey - Clarification
July 05, 2010 ZRA 2010 Salary Survey
July 01, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Update
June 10, 2010 Vice-Presidency Vacancy
June 08, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Updates
May 21, 2010 Reminder Call for Presentations ZRA 2010 Annual Conference
May 21, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Updates
May 20, 2010 Professional Development Committee Announcements
May 14, 2010 Call for Nominations Board of Directors 2010-2012
May 13, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Update
April 20, 2010 For the Record Winter 2010
April 20, 2010 Reminder Call for Presentations ZRA 2010 Annual Conference
April 09, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference
March 19, 2010 Letter to Membership Regarding Renewals
March 14, 2010 ZRA 2010 Annual Conference Call for Presentations
March 08, 2010 Membership Renewal
January 20, 2010 ZRA IRK Scholarship 2010 Announcement
January 07, 2010 Call for Newsletter Articles and Information
December 10, 2009 ZRA Online Meeting Details
November 17, 2009 ZRA Membership Renewal
October 30, 2009 ZRA IRK Scholarship Announcement
October 24, 2009 Financials for Business Meeting
October 01, 2009 IRK Scholarship Announcement
September 24, 2009 ZRA Notice of Annual Business Meeting 2009
September 01, 2009 2009 ZRA Election Results
August 14, 2009 ZRA 2009 Annual Conference Press Release
August 07, 2009 Call for Committee Leadership Volunteers
August 05, 2009 Notice of Bylaws and COPE Amendment Deadlines 2009 Business Meeting
July 31, 2009 ZRA 2009 Call for Nominations for Awards
July 31, 2009 ZRA 2009 Officers and Directors Voting Now Open
July 24, 2009 Call for Newsletter Submissions (Fall Edition of For The Record)
July 24, 2009 Tim Kurkowski Horizon Award
June 30, 2009 ZRA Logo and Usage Guidelines
May 26, 2009 ZRA Call For Presentations 2009 Annual Conference FINAL Reminder
April 24, 2009 ZRA 2009 Annual Conference
April 20, 2009 Call for Nominations ZRA Board of Directors 2009-2011
March 25, 2009 ZRA 2009 Annual Conference Call for Presentations
March 06, 2009 ZRA Call for Newsletter Submissions
November 12, 2008 IRK Scholarship Announcement
September 24, 2008 Notice for 2008 ZRA Annual Business Meeting
September 10, 2008 Listserv Guidelines
August 27, 2008 Code of Professional Ethics and Bylaw Amendments
August 15, 2008 Call for Conference Hosts
July 30, 2008 Accepting comments on proposed Bylaws amendments
July 18, 2008 DRAFT ZRA Code of Professional Ethics Posted
July 15, 2008 Tim Kurkowski Memorial Scholarship
July 15, 2008 2008 ZRA Annual Conference program posted