ZRA News
2014 ZRA Annual Conference ZIMS Workshop
May 30, 2014 ZIMS WorkshopWednesday, 1 October 2014 from 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
ISIS would like to welcome 2014 ZRA Annual Conference attendees to attend a four hour hands-on workshop covering a variety of ZIMS applications including topics specifically requested by ZRA members.
Some of the topics to be covered include:
• Pending Transactions, using actual examples from members
• The impact of the ZIMS for Medical module on the Inventory and Husbandry module
• Incomplete Accessions, with examples of turning multiple Incomplete Accessions into one Complete Accession and vice versa.
• Use of the ISIS Post Office, adding institutions to your local list and managing templates (both note and measurement) will be discussed.
This will be a great opportunity for ZRA members to learn more about ZIMS and its applications, to have questions answered by ISIS representatives, as well as to share tips and tricks with other ZIMS users.

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