ZRA News
Board of Directors Vacancy Call for Nominations 2017-2018
September 01, 2017 Dear ZRA Members:The Nominations and Elections Committee is seeking qualified candidates for the vacant DIRECTOR (Board Liaison for Bylaws, Ethics, Nominations and Elections, History) position for 2017-2018.
You can nominate up to two qualified candidates for this vacancy – including yourself. Please make sure that your nominee has agreed to being nominated; no one will be added to the ballot without her/his consent. ZRA members should use the qualification documents and eligibility list available through the online nomination form on the ZRA website found here: http://www.zooregistrars.org/member.php. The eligibility list will be available as a pull down menu, and reflects those members who currently meet the requirements to serve on the Board (as indicated in the bylaws Article V, Section 3). No more than three candidates per open position will be included on the final ballot.
Thank you for your interest.
The Nomination Period will be open September 1-September 8, 2017.
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